I'm Ghaith, a designer, writer and maker.








Tallinn, estonia ❤️




Verbose · Dex




THe bitcoin standard

Nicomanchean ethics

Ahoy 🍉

I need to be straight with you. I have a writing addiction. It's bad. I write about strategy, knowledge work, design and random raw thoughts I call Hokum. I write all the time and I write about everything.

Another thing about me is my interest in the internet. It's a big part of my life, so I enjoy contributing to it. I take semi-interesting photos and post them to Unsplash. I go to places and review them on Google Map. So yes, I'm one of those people. You're welcome 🥳🫡 .

I design clever software and publish it for The Simple Company, which is mine. I’m also designing a photo-book called Behold. I like naming stuff...

My life’s goal is to further our understanding of the theory of strategy. Meta Planning is the book I’m writing on the topic. It’s genuinely the only thing I care about. There’s a public draft. Some of it makes some sense.

Writing projects

People pay me to design sensible software. That means helping them arrange and express their thinking (and fix their typography). What I rather be doing instead is this. Soon enough man... Soon enough.

People pay me to design sensible software. That means helping them arrange and express their thinking (and fix their typography). What I rather be doing instead is this. Soon enough... Soon enough…

Meta Planning

An investigation in the theory of strategy. The project is two years old and will take many more years to finish. I'm not in a rush. I'm savoring this one.

I don't really write on a regular basis. Still mostly reading. These are the scribbles that will take us home one day.

An investigation in the theory of strategy. The project is two years old and will take many more years to start making sense. I'm not in a rush. I'm savoring this one.

I don't really write on a regular basis. Still mostly reading. These are the scribbles that will take us home one day.

June 2022

An introduction to the problem of strategy

June 2022

A riff about why I'm writing this

June 2022

On the classic strategy models

June 2022

On the classic strategy models


Uncensored, raw, half-baked, often incomplete. Satirical reflections, critiques, and straight up bullying of everything and everyone including myself.

Hokum is what I write everyday. It’s deliberately outlandish arguments looking for a point. It's not a book, but it sure looks nice like this 🍉

June 2022

An introduction to the problem of strategy

June 2022

On the classic strategy models and how they fail

June 2022

A riff about why I'm writing this

June 2022

On the classic strategy models


I studied mechanical engineering at the Tunisian naval academy. I didn't finish that and was never inclined to continue formal education. I don't think much of it.

I like to shape my own thinking. I find the value in studying the fundamentals and the rigorous work of people who actually know what they're talking about.

I studied mechanical engineering at the Tunisian Naval Academy. I had the good sense of leaving formal education before I got indoctrinated too much. Thank god for that

Instead, I study the rigorous work of people who know what they're talking about.

It's not clear to me why would I should listen to an economics professor when I can read Taleb himself. It makes no sense.

Instead of displaying a degree on a wall, I decided to show my work, what I learned, what I'm trying to figure out, and where I currently stand.

It's not clear to me why I should listen to an economics professor when I can read Taleb himself and then read it again until I get some of it. It makes no sense.

The top shelf

These works combine charming language with intelligent arguments. I didn't absorb them fully and look forward to reading each of them many more times.

Alain de Botton · 2012

The school of life - An Emotional Education

The only thing better than reading Alain de Botton is listening to Alain de Botton. I listened to this book on a 2021 Yamaha N-Max while I explored obscure parts of Bali. I emerged from that trip a different man, a better man, a man who needs to flex his reading on the internet. This book clearly worked.

Alain de Botton · 2012

The school of life - An Emotional Education

The only thing better than reading Alain de Botton is listening to Alain de Botton. I listened to this book on a 2021 Yamaha N-Max while I explored obscure parts of Bali. I emerged from that trip a different man, a better man, a man who needs to flex his reading on the internet. This book clearly worked.

Alain de Botton · 2012

The school of life - An Emotional Education

The only thing better than reading Alain de Botton is listening to Alain de Botton. I listened to this book on a 2021 Yamaha N-Max while I explored obscure parts of Bali. I emerged from that trip a different man, a better man, a man who needs show off his reading on the internet. This book clearly worked 😄.

Nassim Taleb · 2001 - 2017

Skin in The Game, Fooled by Randomness, The Black Swan, The Bed of Procrustes, Antifragile, Skin in the Game

This is a sneaky way to smuggle 4 extra books in a list of 5. Nassim’s work on epistemology puts on display the practicality of philoshopy. The Incerto series is a a knowledge worker's best weapon.

Nassim Taleb · 2001 - 2017

Skin in The Game, Fooled by Randomness, The Black Swan, The Bed of Procrustes, Antifragile, Skin in the Game

This is a sneaky way to smuggle 4 extra books in a list of 5. Nassim’s work on epistemology puts on display the practicality of philoshopy. The Incerto series is a a knowledge worker's best weapon.

Nassim Taleb · 2001 - 2017

Skin in The Game, Fooled by Randomness, The Black Swan, The Bed of Procrustes, Antifragile, Skin in the Game

This is a sneaky way to smuggle 4 extra books in a list of 5. Nassim’s work on epistemology is evidence to the practicality of philoshopy. The Incerto series is a a knowledge worker's best weapon.

Epictitus · 108 AD

Discourses and Selected Writings

Taleb taught me to respect the elders so I read a few. Thankfully, I thoroughly enjoyed Epictetus. This one was a toss up between Epictitus Seneca. The more popular Marcus Aurelius and Cicero didn't really do it for me. I blame the dry translations.

Epictitus · 108 AD

Discourses and Selected Writings

Taleb taught me to respect the elders so I read a few. Thankfully, I thoroughly enjoyed Epictetus. This one was a toss up between Epictitus Seneca. The more popular Marcus Aurelius and Cicero didn't really do it for me. I blame the dry translations.

Sam Harris · 2018

Making sense - Conversation on Consciousness, Morality, And The Future of Humanity

A collection of conversations about the real problems, and the important questions, the monsters under the bed. Talk about a doozy, humdinger, a head scratcher... Above all else, for me, this book is an exercise in humility. It puts a man in his place.

Sam Harris · 2018

Making sense - Conversation on Consciousness, Morality, And The Future of Humanity

A collection of conversations about the real problems, and the important questions, the monsters under the bed. Talk about a doozy, humdinger, a head scratcher... Above all else, for me, this book is an exercise in humility. It puts a man in his place.

Sam Harris · 2018

Making sense - Conversation on Consciousness, Morality, And The Future of Humanity

A collection of conversations about the real problems, and the important questions, the monsters under the bed. Talk about a doozy, humdinger, a head scratcher... Above all else, , for me, this book is an exercise in humility. It puts a man in his place.

Sam Harris · 2014

Waking up - Searching for Spirituality Without Religion

Although I’m muslim and I take religion seriously, Sam speaks to me. This book, indeed, woke me up, gently but profoundly. Sam speaks a calm, articulate, easy, sensible, practical, and beautiful language. That’s how I like to be spoken to.

Sam Harris · 2014

Waking up - Searching for Spirituality Without Religion

Although I’m muslim and I take religion seriously, Sam speaks to me. This book, indeed, woke me up, gently but profoundly. Sam speaks a calm, articulate, easy, sensible, practical, and beautiful language. That’s how I like to be spoken to.

Sam Harris · 2014

Waking up - Searching for Spirituality Without Religion

Although I’m muslim and I take my religion seriously, Sam speaks to me. This book, indeed, woke me up, gently but profoundly. Sam speaks a calm, articulate, easy, sensible, practical, and beautiful language. That’s how I like to be spoken to.


Works I enjoyed most and look forward to reading many more times again. These combine charming language with intelligent arguments.


Some books are a good read for everyone. These are few titles I recommend to everyone. And no, it's not just Malcolm Gladwell.

Some books are a good read for everyone. And no, it's not just Malcolm Gladwell, there's some Taleb there too 😉


What’s I’m reading on the way to Meta Planning. Military, corporate, poker, political and a healthy dose of game theory

What I’m reading on the way to Meta Planning. Military, corporate, poker, political strategy, and a healthy dose of game theory


A new list. I don’t read much literature, who has the time! But I figured that some classics can't hurt every now and then.

Reading list

Taleb and Gladwell ruined reading for me. But I have to keep plowing on. You can make thoughtful suggestions

Taleb, De Botton, and Gladwell ruined reading for me. But the quest for the occasional jewel continues. Thoughtful suggestions are welcome


I’m Ghaith Ayadi [ɣaajθ ʕajadiː], Designer of sensible software, writer of Hokum 🍉

Working remotely from Lisbon · AI free 🥳


I’m Ghaith Ayadi [ɣaajθ ʕajadiː] designer of sensible software, writer of Hokum.

Working remotely from Lisbon · AI free 🥳


I’m Ghaith Ayadi [ɣaajθ ʕajadiː]. Designer of sensible software, writer of Hokum

Working remotely from Lisbon · AI free 🥳