Directions to Zara, Oliver Twist, the generational fault line, and the morphing of normal
February 27, 2023

What's up with these gen z folk? They're strange creatures. They dress like they are headed out to clean chimneys. I swear I just walked into a cafe and one of them was knitting. Not knitting, but the other thing with a regular needle and the wooden circle from pride and prejudice. Gen Z girl, thrift-shop goth outfit, matcha latte, and knitting... She probably doesn't even know where Zara is...
There's nothing wrong with them, mostly. I actually think they're rather nice. I like them. They seem more independent somehow. I just don't think I understand their worldview. But I now know what it's like to not understand somebody's worldview. I counted 7 rings, large golden glasses, a brown leather jacket, Marshall headphones, and knitting... In the words of Owen Wilson: Waaaaaaw.
Good luck convincing one of these zoomers to wear a suit and go to work in a a specific locale and perform other pointless corporate acrobatics. They don't care. They have the capability of knitting in public, they have their own normal.
In her world, she must be normal. In my world, she's as exotic as a ring-tailed lemur (like king Julian ❤️). She's not normal, I'm not normal. Normal is not a very sophisticated concept. And yet we tirelessly endeavor to create normal things for normal folks. I want to make things with these abnormal people. People who knit in public spaces, people who just do their own abnormal thing that you don’t have to participate in. What a fascinating morning...