A cure for cancer, professional exhibitionism, moronification through standardization, plowing fields, and societal coercion
February 15, 2022

Let me tell you something about NDAs: Fuck NDAs. I will certainly honor them because I signed them and my word means something. But still. Fuck NDAs.
Are you developing a vaccine for the bubonic plague? No? Then you don’t need an NDA. Working on the Tesla Model F there? Morons. Johnny writes two lines of Javascript and now he thinks he just invented cold fusion… Screw him and his little NDA.
I worked with these people and I’ve seen how unimpressive their work is. Believe me, nobody wants to steal this crap. The only thing worth stealing in this enterprise is my work and I’m willing to put it out for free. I’ll give you the notes, the files, and a fucking tutorial. There’s always more where that came from. Sharing doesn’t diminish. There’s enough for everyone.
If it were up to me, I would share all my work publicly. Hell, I want to record myself working and put it on Youtube, just so you can the idiotic meetings I have to sit in… Hell, I want to stream it on Twitch. I’ll narrate and explain to you how products get built in the real world because I understand them better than these NDA-writing morons.
And yes I’m angry. I’m not allowed to tell you whom I’m angry at, or what I did for them, but I sure as hell am allowed to be angry. Or is there a rule against that too? “The service provider commits to not sharing any displays of emotion towards the employer and their idiotic rules”… Go to hell.
Notes after I cooled down.
I don’t like contracts. If law enforcement is required to maintain a relationship, then I don’t want to be part of it. It’s my word, your word and that’s it. Contracts are there to keep track in case we forget.
But companies are complex and have to standardize things. I understand that. That’s where these idiotic constructs come from. Standardization (and the occasional moron).
There are obvious cases where NDAs make sense. When you’re helping Lockheed make an F46… But you aren’t. You just aren’t.
Nobody forced me to do this. But if everyone has these rules, from the garage band startup to the conglomerate, then my choice is between this and plowing a field. That’s not volition. This is an unethical use of leverage. It’s compulsion and straight-up bullying.
I can’t wait for the day I don’t have to put up with this malarkey, the day when I have the means to play by less stupid rules.
I can’t believe it 🙀 I’m talking about seizing the means of production… I’m turning into a digital communist 😲
So there you go. I just demonstrated that NDAs lead to communism 😂. NDAs kill innocent people…