
On the dickhead syndrome

On being nice, social impasses and why we should cut Sweeden loose

February 1, 2025

I’m a dick.

I’m well aware of that, make no mistake about it.

I know.

I'm not proud of it.

The problem is that it keeps getting worse and I don’t know what to do about it. Actually, I know exactly what to do, But I can’t. And I’m not sure I would even try if I could.

Here are a few examples to elucidate my point:

People who love me text me things all the time. I like it. They say: “Hey, check out this thing”. More often than not, I’ve seen it before. So I treat these people poorly because I’m a dick. I say dickhead things like: “Yeah, seen that one 9 months ago when it was cool”. Sometimes, I pull the biggest dickhead move of them all. I say: “😲. That’s amazing”

Here’s another example of how I frequently misbehave: 

Many well-intentioned people send me the same thing at roughly the same time. It happens more often than you’d think. It’s alarming. That’s a topic in and of its own. Sometimes I say: “Well, let me tell you what I told the third person who texted me this. He was more insightful than you, so I’ll adapt it to your context”. And sometimes I say: “Yeah! Ain’t that crazy!”

I seem to have carved out a spot for myself in a society where I’m beyond the reasonable boundaries of normal human interaction. I noticed this when I was 15 and had reliable mobile internet. I just immediately lost the ability to uphold effortless conversations with most people about anything that wasn’t a scheme for an unrealistic project.

A common theme of normal conversations is asking your friends about things. “Who do you think first came up with string music? I bet he was a bow hunter with a keen ear.” or “I don‘t know why we don’t sanction Sweden into Oblivion after their WWII treason. Why should they reap the benefits of freedom if they didn’t help us achieve it? We don’t need them anymore. We’re already assembling our furniture ourselves anyway”.

I didn’t have such interesting questions when I was a 15-year-old moron, but whatever questions I had were better answered with a Google search than another 15-year-old moron.

The affliction continues to this day and it keeps getting worse because the internet is getting better and I ran out of entry-level questions a long time ago.

I’m not the only one with the dickhead syndrome. I’ve met know-it-alls before. It was glorious. You make a reference and you know they’re going to catch it. Sometimes you get that coveted moment when somebody catches a double-entendre with a 3-layer deep reference and a movie quote. Sometimes they fire back with one of their own. 

On those rare occasions when I meet such people, I feel ok. But most times, I just feel like a dick.


I’m Ghaith Ayadi [ɣaajθ ʕajadiː], Designer of sensible software, writer of Hokum 🍉

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